The Real Cost of Publishing your Book

I was asked to reblog these tidbits for Writers who want to know how much it costs to publish your own book. So here you go.


village to self publish

OK! This is a come to Jesus wake up call to everyone who has a great book, a vision, passion and tenacity to publish it. I had a question from a great writer with a great story this morning and it let me know that publishing a book is like getting pregnant. It is full of excitement and bliss but when the baby is born that bliss is now accompanied by an overload of work and stick-too-itiveness. Have you heard yourself or friends ever say as they are chasing their twin two year olds around the world, “Wow I had no ideas what it would entail being a parent.” And for you as a writer, your book is your baby and once it is published you are the parent

This is the most accurate article I have found on the expenses of self publishing. And if a publisher picks up…

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The Winds of Change


winds of change

I am always re-inventing myself, even against my will so many times. The adventure of life is so full of every possibility and for me, taking the risk of exploring everything I can in life, leads to all emotions: Love, heartbreak, fear, bliss, creativity and inspiration. This is the well from which all my writing emerges. Surrender to how the flow of life leads me is in fact my spiritual practice. And for these last few months I have been from Costa Rica to Alaska, jumping headlong into love, marriage, challenge, long days of 24 hours of Alaskan sun, learning more about commitment and devotion than I thought I already knew. And from this white water rapid life I have chosen I have found myself writing in the middle of the night as the sun blazes at 3am.

So, I am now back on Mythotherapy and re-inventing how I want to contribute to this site as a writer and a woman on the move in life and as a writing coach, unabashed lover of words, true believer in story and out here to help you put your life to words.

Please give me feedback as I creatively unfold this page on what speaks to you and what does not. There are tens of thousands of sites for writers, wanna-be writers,”afraid of words” writers and people who dream of writing for their lives out there and I would love this one to be one of your regular stops.

Blessings, Maya

woman climber

An Untold Story


“Stories are entities unto themselves and have a tangible life force. These stories exist energetically in our cells and in our consciousness. If we squander the story we were born to pass on and birth into the world, both the world suffers as well as the storyteller. An untold story lies deep in the recesses of our subconscious like a seed, waiting for the light of day. When we are unwilling to share the story, when we bury it deep in our hearts, when we are afraid, we create un-wellness, we create un-rest, we create an un-willingness to trust, to thrive and to accept our part in changing the world. This resistance we create, is at the core of all illness and unhappiness in this world.”

Maya Christobel